Thank you to everyone for making NN2024 a success! We hope you enjoyed yourselves.


Congratulations to the Young Scientist Prize  winners

Oral Presentation Prizes
First Prize :  Jeongsu Ha (Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies, Institute for Basic Science)
Second Prize :  Artemis Tsantiri (FRIB/Michigan State University)
Third Prize :  Lipei Du (McGill University)

Poster Presentation Prizes
First Prize : Noor Syeda (Simon Fraser University)
Second Prize :  Samantha Buck (University of Guelph)
Honourable Mention: Zachary Saunders (Saint Mary's University)



The 14th International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (NN2024) is being held in Whistler, British Columbia during August 18 – 23, 2024.


It is part of a triennial series with the previous meetings being held in Saitama, Japan (2018), Catania, Italy (2015), Texas, USA (2012), Beijing, China (2009), Rio de Janerio, Brazil (2006), Moscow, Russia (2003), Strasbourg, France (2000), Tennessee, USA (1997), Taormina, Italy (1994), Kanazawa, Japan (1991), Saint Malo, France (1988), Visby, Sweden (1985) and East Lansing, USA (1982). NN2021 was postponed to NN2024 because of the COVID19 pandemic.


Leading into NN2024, TRIUMF will host the TRIUMF Summer institute TSI2024, a summer school with a focus on topics relevant to NN2024.  Please see for details.


The scientific program will be devoted to the latest experimental and theoretical developments in nucleus nucleus collisions with a wide range of topics. The program will consist of invited plenary and parallel session presentations, contributed presentations for parallel sessions and poster presentations.


The topics include :

  • Fusion and Fission
  • Hadron Physics and QCD
  • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, QGP
  • Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter
  • Nuclear Structure from Collisions 
  • Nuclear Reactions
  • Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Heavy and Superheavy Elements
  • Instrumentation and Facilities
  • Applications of Nuclear Science and Technologies


The conference is jointly organized by TRIUMF (Vancouver, Canada) and Saint Mary’s University (Halifax, Canada).


We look forward to seeing you in Whistler.


Rituparna Kanungo, Saint Mary’s University/TRIUMF (Co-Chair)
Reiner Kruecken, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (Co-Chair)
Petr Navratil, TRIUMF (Co-Chair)
On behalf of the Organizing Committee




To secure IUPAP sponsorship, the organisers have provided assurance that NN2024 will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the IUPAP resolution passed by the General Assembly in 2008 and 2011. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political considerations unrelated to science.


Lawrence Berkeley